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Werneth Primary School

Year Group Pages

Year group curriculum

At Werneth Primary School, we believe in developing the whole child; equipping them with the knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding to succeed in education and in later life. We aim to nurture well-rounded pupils through a curriculum that is enriched with first-hand experiences that support children’s personal development. 

Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop high aspirations and make a positive contribution to our community and the wider society. We aim to develop learners who are articulate and confident communicators so that they are able to feel comfortable in sharing their knowledge, skills, conceptual understanding, experiences and/or opinions for a range of different purposes, using different registers of speech.

We believe that all children have an entitlement to a rich, broad curriculum that is well matched to their needs, regardless of any barriers to learning experienced by our children.

At Werneth Primary School, we believe that everyone can achieve their potential and our curriculum has been designed to ensure that all of our pupils are given the opportunities to succeed regardless of their starting point or background.

Below, you will find a contents of individual year group pages, that contain an introduction to your child's class and teacher, with a comprehensive overview of the year's curriculum.