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Werneth Primary School

Personal development

At Werneth Primary School, we believe in developing the whole child; equipping them with the knowledge, skills, vocabulary and conceptual understanding to succeed in education and in later life. 

We aim to develop learners that are cooperative, confident communicators, resilient, creative, problem solvers and tolerant. These character traits are developed through many areas of our curriculum and through carefully selected trips, visitors, events and curriculum enhancements.

Developing pupil’s character allows them to achieve positive health, education and employment.  It encourages pupils to understand, value and demonstrate positive behavioural traits that makes them well-rounded citizens, to better understand themselves and work on their weaknesses along with instilling a moral compass in understanding and interacting with other people. 

The Werneth Pledge gives our pupils the building blocks to build and grow their own strong, moral principles and core values which they can turn to later on in life as a guide to success. This enables Werneth Primary School children to develop skills and traits that help them to tackle any problem or situation that arises in their education and life. 

Through a whole-school approach, the character traits will be delivered and modelled explicitly by all staff through tailored and appropriate activities and experiences.

Using the core curriculum as the main vehicle for personal development means that children who are with us from Nursery to Year 6 will receive an equitable offer, with the same offer available to all children.

Our staff team have developed a 10 point Pledge- a list of key skills and attributes that will support children to be successful learners as well as being responsible, respectful and active citizens who can contribute positively to school life and to society

Opportunities to develop the character traits and Pledge points have been mapped across the Nursery to Year 6 curriculum. See the table below examples of activities that are provide children from EYFS to Year 6 with opportunities to achieve the 10 Pledge points.  

EYFS: Make healthy food choices, wash hands, know how to keep their teeth clean and move their bodies and stay safe (including from strangers).

KS1: Set goals, learn how to cope with setbacks and know how to stay safe, including online

KS2: Make and maintain healthy relationships and know how to access help, including online

This relates to our whole school value of 'care'. We teach children how to care for themselves by teaching them about personal hygiene; healthy diet and lifestyles; mental health and the dangers of drugs, alcohol and medicines. 

All children take part in annual fundraising activities for Children in Need, The Poppy Appeal, Sport Relief and other charities in response to local, national and/or international events. 

EYFS: Mother’s Day celebrations

KS1: Make Easter cards for residents of care homes KS2: Volunteer as a Reading Buddy

This relates to our whole school value of 'care'. We encourage children to take part in activities that show care for people in the local, national and international community by raising funds to help others around us. 

EYFS: Perform the Nativity, perform songs and nursery rhymes

KS1: Perform at class assemblies

KS2: Perform at Oldham Coliseum Theatre as part of the Children's Shakespeare Festival and opportunities to perform as part of a brass band in school and at other events. 

This relates to our whole school value of 'aspire'. We teach children how to communicate confidently through performance opportunities so that they can use this skill to secure places at college/university and secure jobs. 

EYFS: Recycle paper and learn how to look after plants and animals

KS1: Switch off lights and learn what makes a plant grow

KS2: Volunteer as an Eco-Councillor, take part in a community clean up and learn about how pollution affects plant and animal life

This relates to our whole school value of 'care'. We encourage children to take part in activities that develop their awareness of the importance of looking after our environment in school and outside of school. 

EYFS: Use manners; say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, as well as learning how to respect different religious festival traditions and celebrations

KS1: Use cooperative learning strategies and learn about different faiths and/or religious beliefs

KS2: Take part in Linking Project with Willowpark and St Anne’s Royton, Celebrate Differences as part of PSHE lessons and learn about different faiths in RE

This relates to our whole school value of 'care'. We encourage children to be respectful of everyone in our diverse school community, as well as those people with protected characteristics, to show care for others. 

EYFS: Listen to and enjoy the shared reading sessions

KS1: Learn to read independently, have a favourite author

KS2: Use the class library, read daily, recommend books to other children and opportunities to be a Reading Buddy for younger children. 

This relates to our whole school value of 'aspire'. We aim to produce children who can read fluently and comprehend well so that they can achieve well academically and have access to knowledge and information that supports them to be successful in later studies and life. 

EYFS: Listen to the opinions of others in PSED and PSHE sessions

KS1: Vote for School and Councillors

KS2: Vote for School and Councillors and be an elected representative.

This relates to our whole school value of 'care'. We encourage children to take part in democratic processes so that they understand that their voice is important and that staff/school leaders care about what our learners think. 

EYFS: Visit Chester Zoo, Sea Life Centre

KS1: Visit Formby Beach, Quarry Bank Mill

KS2: Visit Castleton Caves, Castleshaw, Grosvenor Museum, Jodrell Bank, Imperial War Museum

This relates to our whole school values of 'aspire' and 'persevere'. We aim to produce children who aspire to see the world and persevere when there are challenges or barriers. 

EYFS: Write their own name using correct letter formation and pencil grip

KS1: Know skill of coding (Purple Mash unit)

KS2: Reason and problem solve using the 4 operations

Children are taught to edit and improve their writing throughout our 2 week writing genres.

This relates to our whole school values of 'aspire' and 'persevere'. We aim to produce learners who aspire to be the best they can be; understand what behaviours and traits will enable them to be successful; and persevere when they face challenges or barriers. 

EYFS: Have a can do attitude and learn about people who help us during the Superheroes topic.

KS1: Develop a strong work ethic

KS2: Attend Oldham Business Hub careers fair and take part in the Business Enterprise competition. 

This relates to our whole school value of 'aspire'. We aim to produce children who have the knowledge, skills, vocabulary and cultural capital to succeed in the workplace, so that they can make a positive contribution to society. 

Every child making a tangible contribution to the school, community, nation and world
