SEND Information
At Werneth Primary School, we understand that every child an individual and that we all learn in different ways. Through careful planning, differentiation and tailoring of the curriculum, we ensure that the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, are catered for within all areas of learning. We provide quality first teaching for all pupils and a range of evidence-based interventions for pupils with SEND so that all children are able to make progress.
Our SENDCo is Katy Gregory
See below for details of how we support the progress of students with Special Educational Needs.
Click here to view the Council’s Local Offer. Please contact Gerri Barry/Jean Reid at for further details of the Oldham Local Offer
View our SEND Policy by clicking the link SEND Policy
Click on the link to see our Accessibility Plan
POINT (Parents of Oldham In Touch). POINT can support parents/carers to navigate SEND services and processes
SENDIASS Service - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Information, Advice Support Service (IASS) www.point- –
Who can I contact for further information?
Your child’s Class Teacher, SENDCo or the Principal.
Principal: Mr Jonathan Bell
Assistant Principal responsible for SEND: Katy Gregory
POINT (Parents of Oldham In Touch). POINT can support parents/carers to navigate SEND services and processes
POINT Oldham parent and carer SEND helpline
SEND Links to other useful resources
SENDIASS Service - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Information, Advice Support Service (IASS) www.point- –
Click on the link for the latest Oldham Local Authority SEND Report
send helpline flyer from point.pdf
Roles and Responsibilities
Principal: Mr Jonathan Bell
Responsible for:
- The day to day management of all aspects of the school, including overseeing the support for children with SEND,
- Keeping the governing body up to date about any issues in the school including those relating to SEND
SENDCo/Assistant Principal: Katy Gregory
The Principal hands responsibility for the day to day management of SEND to the SEND coordinator (SENDCo).
Responsible for:
- Coordination support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and developing the school’s SEND policy and practice
- Making sure all children can access the curriculum and that their teaching helps them to make progress and is of high quality
- Ensuring that parents are involved in supporting their child’s learning and that they are fully informed about the support their child is getting in school
- Taking account of parent’s wishes and concerns and supporting the planning for a child’s next steps
- Liaising with other professionals who may come into school to help to support a child’s learning and development e.g. speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, etc.
- Supporting teachers and support staff in the school so that they can help all the children to achieve well
Class Teachers
Responsible for:
- Ensuring that all children in their class have access to good teaching and that the curriculum meets every child’s individual needs
- Checking on the progress of every child in their class and planning and delivering any additional help that individual children might need
- Helping anyone working with individuals or groups of children to deliver the planned work/programmes of work so that they can make the best possible progress. This might be a Teaching Assistant, Key Worker or outside specialist help
- Meeting with parents and together writing an action plan so that both home and school agree what should happen to support the child each term
- Making sure that everyone working with individual children in school understands their individual needs or condition so that adjustments can be made to enable them to be included and make good progress
- Following the SEND Policy in their classroom and with all children with special educational needs or disabilities that they teach
Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants work with teachers to help children to make good progress. Their work is guided and planned by the teacher. Sometimes they work with individual children or groups of children who need support with an element of their learning.
Key Workers
A Key Worker is a teaching assistant who is allocated to provide additional support for an individual child who has special educational needs or disabilities or who needs additional support with an area of their learning.
If you need any additional information we will be happy to help. Please phone the school or call in to make an appointment and we will be happy to show you around and to answer any questions.
How will Werneth Primary School support my child?
At Werneth Primary School we celebrate the fact that every child is unique and different and, therefore, the educational needs of every child are different – this is certainly the case for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
We aim to ensure that all children in our school are happy, settled and enjoy each day with us. We are a very inclusive school. We want to make sure that each child can make good progress and achieve well. This means that we get to know each child and do our very best to meet their individual needs whether this is through providing extra support in lessons, adapting our curriculum or providing assistance for personal or medical needs.
What we offer will be different for each child. We will know what they need by talking to the people who know them best; their parents and people who already know them and their family. Once the child has started school with us we meet regularly with parents, carefully monitor the child’s progress and also take advice from external experts such as education and health professionals.
For further detail, please refer to the SEND Policy.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Every child’s happiness is of utmost importance to all the staff at Werneth Primary School. When children are happy and settled they are ready to learn and grow.
Your child will be supported by their class teacher and year group teaching assistants, who will get to know every child well. The relationship between them is really important to add to a child’s well-being. During the first few weeks in school there will be a focus on building these relationships.
Some children need additional support in developing relationships, settling into school, or with developing age appropriate social skills. Additional support in this area is just as available as it is for children who are having difficulties with learning to read or write.
If your child is unhappy or unsettled the first person to speak to is the Class Teacher. If the problem continues please make an appointment to see the SENDCo or a Senior Leader and we will investigate further and seek solutions with you. If the situation cannot be resolved within school there are other agencies we can contact to help us, but this is very rarely necessary.
We have a set of school values and behaviour expectations that all children must follow and this helps children to do the right thing and impacts on the overall happiness of the school as a whole. See our school values, Behaviour Policy and Anti-bullying Policy.
How does Werneth Primary School know if a child needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
Often children are identified as having special educational needs before they start at Werneth Primary School and then the school works with the people who already know them so that we can begin to put things in place before the child starts with us.
If a parent feels that their child has special educational needs, there are lots of people in school that can help.
The child’s class teacher will get to know them really well and they are always glad to speak to parents about any concerns.
The SENDCo has a lot of experience of working with children who have special educational needs, and their families. It is her job to make sure that the school is doing everything it can to meet the needs of individuals and groups of children, and to seek additional advice for parents and the teachers.
All children’s progress is closely monitored by the class teachers, Principal, SENDCo and other senior leaders in school, who meet regularly to discuss children’s strengths and difficulties. If we feel that a child is not making the same progress as other children we will observe them, assess their understanding of what we are doing in school. We will then plan activities to help them to catch up and to make good progress.
Sometimes teachers can see that a child is having difficulties at school which cannot be overcome using the usual or additional methods that work for most other children. If this is the case the teacher will arrange to meet with parents to talk about what they have discovered, what has been tried so far and what they feel should happen next. If parents agree, referrals are then made to the appropriate agencies. This helps to determine why the child is having difficulties and then provides parents and teachers with advice on what to do next.
What are the external agencies, specialist services or professionals that are accessed by school?
Our school has very good relationships with the Health Visitors and School Nurse and they can very often provide good advice to parents and school about how to help individual children.
In addition, we have access to support from the following services:
- QEST (Quality and Effectiveness Support Team) whose specialist teachers can provide training for school staff and offer advice on any extra strategies children with SEND may need (speech, language and communication, hearing impairment, visual impairment, behaviour related needs, severe learning difficulties, mental health, autism).
- Oldham Educational Psychologist service who observe and offer advice on any extra strategies children with SEND may need.
- Other local authority services such as Early Help and Sensory and Physical Support Services.
- Speech and Language therapy services from ‘The Speech Bubble’ who are in school one day a week, working with children to train our staff and advice on strategies and programmes. We also refer pupils to NHS Speech and Language for assessment if we believe they are in need of a period of therapy, and work with children who are receiving SALT.
- Occupational Therapy (OT), Child Development Service (CDS), Children and Adolecent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), School Health advisors, Visual and Hearing Impairment Services for pupils who need assessment.
- Physiotherapy for pupils who need it.
Together with the pupil and the parent we:
- Review the pupil’s progress; agree what everyone will do to make teaching more effective and to support learning
- Agree targets for the pupil’s achievement
- Agree how we will work together and what we will each do
- Agree a date to review how well the pupil is doing and whether we are making a difference, and what we need to do next.
This information is recorded to ensure accountability.
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or next stage of education?
Children in the Early Years:
We have very good relationships with local pre-schools, health visitors and the Early Years Special Educational Needs team
- We hold ‘Stay and Play’ sessions in the nursery where you can come each week and spend time with your child- getting to know the staff and familiarising your child with the nursery
- Our staff will make a home visit to meet you and your child before they start with us at school
- With your permission, we will contact any health professionals that you have informed us are working with you and your child so that we have all the information we need before they start
- When a child who has already been identified as having SEND is going to start with us we visit the current setting and attend Review Meetings there.
- We receive transition information for children who are already attending an Early Years setting
- An extended transition is available for any child who needs it
- Social stories are used if they will be helpful
- Most children in the Early Years will settle very quickly but for those who need it we offer shorter days initially
- A visual timetable (pictures showing the order of the day) and a structured daily routine are in place to help with settling in
- Individual ‘home school diaries’ are used whenever needed
- Parents are invited into the classroom every day to help with settling in and there is daily contact with the Early Years Staff and key workers.
Transition to secondary schools:
- Werneth Primary School liaises closely with the Secondary School to ensure that they have all the information that they need to make the transition as smooth as possible
- The SENCO and Pastoral Lead from the Secondary School usually requests a meeting with staff from our school so that we can talk about the child’s needs, strengths, interests and learning style.
- A teaching assistant will escort your child for additional transition visits to the secondary school, if these are available to them
- All information and personal equipment (e.g. specialist seating, communication aides, etc.) is transferred to the Secondary School prior to the child starting in September
- Social Stories are used when necessary
- The whole year group will be making preparations and talking about transition and your child will be fully included in this
Transition to secondary schools – children with EHC Plans:
- For children with an EHC Plan, the transition process begins at the Year 5 annual review
- Whilst the decision about which secondary school to choose lies with parents, Werneth Primary School will support you to find the right secondary school for your child
- The SENDCo will help to arrange visits to Secondary Schools and if you wish, will accompany you on these visits
- Werneth Primary School liaises closely with the Secondary School to ensure that they have all the information that they need to make the transition as smooth as possible
- Where applicable, your child’s named support assistant will escort them for additional transition visits to the secondary school if these are available to them
- Once the decision about placement has been decided and a new school allocated, the Secondary School SENCO is invited to attend the Year 6 Annual Review, where we will all be able to share information and make plans to assist the transition process
- All information and personal equipment (e.g. specialist seating, communication aides, etc) is transferred to the Secondary School prior to the child starting in September
- Social Stories are used when necessary
- The whole year group will be making preparations and talking about transition and every child will be included in this
Moving classes can be worrying for any child. For some children with SEND it is a particularly difficult time and we want to make all transitions as smooth as possible.
- We spend a lot of time with children who need the extra support, providing additional visits to the new classroom and giving them extra time with their new teacher.
- If your child has additional support from a support assistant, we will discuss if it is in their best interest for the support assistant to move on with your child. If it is in the child's best interests, whenever possible, we will aim to do this.
- Your child’s class teacher/support assistant will have discussions with the new teacher/support assistant about your child’s specific needs. All SEND support plans, equipment and resources they need will be passed on ready for the change. The SENDCo will also help with this.
- The whole year group will be making preparations and talking about transition and every child will be fully included in this.
- Social stories are often used to help and these may be used in school and at home.
- When children have moved to the next class the new class teacher continues to draw on the expertise and advice from the previous teacher and may also need your help in settling your child.
- It is important that parents/carers also build up a relationship with the new teacher/support assistant so that you are comfortable and happy to share your thoughts, successes and any concerns.
Children joining Werneth Primary School in Key Stage 1 and 2:
- Ideally before your child starts at our school there will be the opportunity for you and your child to come and have a look around, meet with the Principal, the SENDCo and the Class Teacher. We will have the chance to talk about your child’s needs and what we can do to support him/her.
- As long as we have notice of a child’s arrival at our school we contact the previous school to ask for any up-to-date advice to be forwarded to us so that we can put any special provision requirements in place ready for them to start with us.
- With parent’s permission, we will contact any health professionals that we have been informed is working with the child or their family so that we have all the information we need before they start.
- Individual ‘hand-overs’ are used whenever needed.
- Most children in Key Stage 1 and 2 will have been to school before and will settle very quickly but for those who really need it we offer shorter days initially.
- A visual timetable (pictures to show what is happening in the day) and a structured daily routine are in place initially to help with settling in.
- Social stories are used if needed.
- Lunchtime supervisors will be made aware to keep a special eye on individual children over the lunchtime period and support them when needed.
- For children who already have an Education, Health and Care Plan, the SENDCo or member of staff will attend meetings at the current school prior to transfer and the support stated in the EHC Plan will be in place for the child when they start at Werneth Primary School.
How will both you and I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
At Werneth Primary School staff are available in the playground just before and after school each afternoon so there are plenty of opportunities to share information or to make an appointment for a longer meeting if necessary.
We hold formal parent’s evenings twice per year and an annual report is sent out at the end of the year.
All children’s progress is closely monitored by the Class Teachers, the Principal, SENDCo and other senior leaders in school, who meet regularly to discuss children’s strengths and difficulties. If we feel that a child is not making the same progress as other children, we will observe them and assess their understanding of what we are doing in school. We will always share any concerns we have with parents.
Sometimes teachers can see that a child is having difficulties at school which cannot be overcome using the usual or additional methods that work for most other children. If this is the case, the teacher will arrange to meet with you to talk about what has been tried so far and what they feel should happen next. With parent/carer agreement, referrals will be made to the appropriate agencies. This helps to determine why the child is having difficulties and then provides both parents and the teachers with advice on what to do next.
In addition, targets and priorities for all children that have been identified as having special educational needs, will be reviewed by the child’s Class Teacher and the SENDCo on a termly basis. The child’s SEND support plan will then be updated accordingly and shared so that everyone is clear about the role they will play in making things better for the child.
It is important that parents agree with the targets that have been set for their child. Parents will always be given the opportunity to comment on and contribute towards the content of their child’s SEND Support Plan. The SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo are always happy to make themselves available to meet with parents to discuss children’s targets and priorities further.
The Class Teachers will make sure that children know and understand what they are working on. Individual targets are shared with the children and successes celebrated as part of an ongoing process.
In order to support parents with their child’s learning we also periodically run parent workshops. All parents are encouraged to attend these.
If parents feel they need any additional help in supporting their child’s learning at home, class teachers are always happy to offer advice.
How are parents involved with the school? How can I be involved?
Parents can be as involved as they wish in the life of the school. Our door is always open and if parents would like additional information about any aspect of school life we are more than happy to share this with them.
The 'Werneth Weekly' newsletter is sent to parents every week with details of what the children are learning about in class.
Workshops are advertised by the staff in the year group concerned and cover topics such as phonics, reading and rhyme time.
We ask that parents talk to their children every day about their school day in the language of the home, support them with their homework, listen to them read every day and help them to extend their interests. This is one of the best ways that parents can help their child and one of the easiest ways to become involved with the school.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
At Werneth Primary School, we believe in developing the whole child; equipping them with the knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding to succeed in education and in later life.
We aim to nurture well-rounded pupils through a curriculum that is enriched with first-hand experiences that support children’s personal development.
We believe that all children have an entitlement to a rich, broad curriculum that is well matched to their needs, regardless of any barriers to learning experienced by our children. At Werneth Primary School, we believe that everyone can achieve their potential and our curriculum has been designed to ensure that all of our pupils are given the opportunities to succeed regardless of their starting point or background.
We are clear that the impact of any barriers to learning can be reduced through access to a broad and balanced curriculum, delivered by well-trained and knowledgeable staff, using teaching strategies and scaffolds that are research based and/or evidence informed to ensure that all learners have access to the full curriculum programme of study.
For further information about our curriculum, please refer to the curriculum policy and the subject specific policies on the curriculum page of or website.
What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?
Staff are trained to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of children with a range of special educational needs and disabilities.
With the support of the SENDCo, the senior leadership team, SpeechBubble speech and language therapists and other external support agencies, teachers are able to implement approaches to learning to support children with a variety of special educational needs such as specific learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia), autism, visual impairment, hearing problems, speech, language and communication difficulties and social and emotional difficulties.
We also have staff who have been trained to support children with personal care and health needs.
Our teachers and teaching assistants are always happy to learn new skills so that we can support all of the children in our care.
Our SENCO’s has completed the National SENCO award – NASENCo Award (November 2017)
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
Schools receive funding for all pupils including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and they meet pupil’s needs from this. The Principal of the school and the SENDCo will work with the teachers and other senior leaders in school to decide how the school’s resources will be used. Some children will take part in group programmes designed to help them with specific areas of the curriculum whilst some children will need more individualised support.
The parents of children with identified special educational needs and disabilities are invited into school regularly to discuss their child’s progress and to work together to identify next steps in their child’s learning. Any additional support or resources needed will be discussed at these meetings, or sooner if necessary.
If a child needs additional support or resources, the school can apply to the Local Authority for an Education, Health and Care Plan.
If the assessments of a pupil’s needs identify something that is significantly different to what is normally available within schools, there will be additional funding allocated. Parents have a say in how this is used and the local authority will advise you if you are eligible for a personal budget which will be used to fund the agreed statutory plan.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
We run regular extra-curricular clubs which change on a termly basis. All pupils for whom we can make reasonable adjustments with SEN, are included if they wish to take part in the clubs we provide.
Extra staff at the clubs can be made available, if needed, to support the SEND children to ensure their equal access.
All outings are carefully risk assessed taking into account the needs of all children attending.
Where possible, activities and visits will be adapted to enable pupils with SEN and/or disabilities to take part.
Where this is not possible, an alternative activity of equal educational value will be arranged for the pupil/s.
For further information about school trips, please refer to the Educational Visits Policy.
How accessible is the school building?
Our school building is very accessible although it is on three levels. The majority of classrooms are on the same level.
The Nursery classroom is downstairs and is accessible from the lower ground floor at street level or via the internal lift.
We have a lift at both sides of the school building.
We have accessible bathrooms on all floors.
There are ramps up to the external doors that are not at ground level and there is access to the car park with space for disabled parking.
We have a specified medical room for any children who require additional treatments such as extensive creaming.
We have a sensory room equipped with bubble tube, soft cushioning, mirrors, projector and fibre optic strands as well as a range of sensory toys/equipment.
There are two rooms in school that are not accessible by children in wheel chairs. These are additional rooms (not main classrooms) and although ideal to be used by classes that are cooking or doing technology projects, this is not essential. Any lesson that would normally take place in these rooms can be transferred to another more accessible room in school, such as the main classroom. We would not want a child to be left out of any activity.
For further information, please refer to the Accessibility Policy.
What if I am not happy with a decision or what is happening for my child?
The first point of contact should always be your child’s class teacher.
If you need to talk to someone else, an appointment should be made with the SENDCo (Mrs Katy Gregory). Explain your concerns to them first and if you are not satisfied that your concern has been addressed speak to the Principal and ask to speak to the Governor’s representative for SEND.
POINT (Parent’s of Oldham In Touch) are a fantastic resource who can help you with any concerns you may have.
The school Complaints Procedure can also be found on the school website or via the school office.
Key contacts:
SENDCO - Mrs Katy Gregory - NASENCO Award (November 2017)
Assistant SENDCO - Mrs Jackie Hodgkiss
SEND Governor - Mrs Jane Hodgson
POINT for parents