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Werneth Primary School

Parent Views

Parent Views

Here's what our parents/carers had to say about Werneth Primary School

A brilliant school. Always helpful. Progress at the school has been brilliant. Would recommend to anyone wanting to send their child there.    

A brilliant school with great support. Would recommend to anybody wanting to send their child here.

The school is very good. My children are very happy in the school.

Really happy with the teaching at school. Thank you for all the effort put in by staff.

Really pleased with my son’s progress. Staff are so friendly. 100% would recommend the school. Thank you!


Please see the information below for full details of our most recent parent/carer survey.

parent survey results november 2022.pdf


Parents and carers can also share their views via the Parent View link below

Parent View gives parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think about their child’s school and asks for their opinion on 12 different aspects – from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The results will help determine when the school will receive an Ofsted inspection.

By sharing your views, you will be helping to improve Werneth Primary School. You can also see what other parents have said about the school and view the results for any school in England.

Give your views to Parent View here.